Saturday 14 August 2010


I am now moving forwards into the twenty first century to the extent that I am on twitter. I shall, under my daughter's guidance, be using this regularly and and the link above will enable people to see what I have to say!

1 comment:

  1. Simon wrote,
    "People have quoted Chris Ford as a knockdown argument about this, telling me that this proves that it is possible to get on an A level course without having any GCSEs. His mother though revealed during her interview that he had taken a GCSE in mathematics when he was twelve, which presumably enabled him to get into college to do A levels."

    This is not new information. For instance, Janet mentions the earlier GCSE and the GCSEs taken at college after 8 months in her responded to your TES article on the 3rd August 2009. Janet said:

    Most children do 11 years at school before their GCSE's whereas Chris was there for 8 months before he took his, but I am sure you are right and it was all the result of those 8 months at college not the preceding 14 years! I wonder however he managed to get the Maths (Higher) GCSE he took as an independent candidate 2 years before he got to college then?
